Grafo Internet

De Searchology
Saltar a: navegación, buscar

En Lógica Search se afirma:

As its name suggests, the Internet is a network, or (to put it mathematically) a directed graph. The webpages are the "nodes" of the graph and the links between pages are the "edges". A graph with n nodes is defined by a square n-by-n "adjacency matrix". Let's call it G. G(i,j)=1 if node j is linked to node i. It is not symmetric.

Del mismo modo se considera que Internet es un Grafo Internet, se considera que son Nodos el Sujeto y el Objeto en tanto ambos a dos son Search, pudiendose sostener que se dan Sujeto Search y Objeto Search.

Herramientas personales
Espacios de nombres
